
Students & Athletes

Students and Athletes

As a student or athlete, you could save your own life or the life of a classmate or teammate through SafeBeat screenings. Here are ways you can get involved:

  • Get screened!
  • Encourage your friends to get screened!
  • Educate yourselves on SCA and CAS
  • Learn CPR
  • Volunteer and help with screenings at your school
  • Coordinate a neighborhood walk or fundraiser
  • Tell friends, family, and neighbors about SafeBeat screenings
  • Participate in the conversation and share on social media
  • Donate

“My SafeBeat heart screening was fast and easy and it didn’t hurt at all. I just laid still and the technician put stickers on me, connected to some wires for my test. I’m happy to know that my heart is healthy and safe for when I play sports and play with my friends.” - Kate Murphy (8 years old)