
Tony Dungy helped to announce SafeBeat Initiative
The SafeBeat Initiative
Who is at Risk?
Wolfson Children's Hospital
Donor Rewards


Parents & Families

Twenty (20) children a day die from an undetected cardiac arrhythmia! Screening your child’s heart is painless and takes less than ten (10) minutes! When “detected”, it’s “treatable”! Pass it on!

Athletes & Students

No one likes taking tests! You’ve tested your skills, you’ve tested your intelligence. Now test your heart! It’s the easiest test you will ever take and it just may be your life saved!

Coaches & Teachers

As stewards of our youth, learn the facts about “cardiac arrhythmia syndromes”. Know the signs and have an action plan ready ~ AED(s) within reach, CPR training and emergency personnel on staff whenever possible! Be proactive!


SafeBeat Videos


Leading cause of non-traumatic death

Cardiac arrhythmia syndrome is the leading cause of non-traumatic death in the adolescent athlete and young American population.

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1 out of every 500 has hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

1 out of every 500 children has hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) the leading cause of sudden death in all young people.

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Leading cause of non-traumatic death in the adolescent athlete

Cardiac arrhythmia syndrome is the leading cause of non-traumatic death in the adolescent athlete and young American population.

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Jayne Vining Founder