
Sudden Cardiac Arrest Prevention

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SafeBeat is a 501c3 foundation with a mission to “Screen Hearts, Save Lives” and create a healthier generation!  This is a preventative heart screening service to public middle/high school children and is for all active children…not just the registered athlete.  Sudden Cardiac Arrest is the #1 killer among young student athletes and on school campuses of which most cases can be prevented!  According to American Heart Association, there are approximately 7,000+ needless deaths every year between the ages of 6-18 due to sudden cardiac arrest!  SafeBeat is the answer to help reduce these needless deaths. 

Youth Epidemics




Pre-Screening Planning Communication

Sample School Screening Presentation

Sample Certificate of Insurance

Sample Press Release Announcing Screening Event

Communications with Families

Is Your Child Safe? Flyer

Pre-Formatted Email Announcing LIVE Registration

SafeBeat FAQ's