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Lenape Builders, American Legion Ambulance Station 64 Partner for CPR/AED Class

Lenape Builders, American Legion Ambulance Station 64 partner for CPR/AED class

Lenape Builders Inc., recently partnered with American Legion Ambulance Station 64 in training all Lenape employees in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and the use of an automatic external defibrillator.

Instructed by Capt. Russell Stinson, of American Legion Ambulance Station 64, Lenape employees were trained to recognize common life-threatening emergencies and gained life-saving skills. In conjunction with this training, select Lenape Builders company vehicles will be equipped with AED units in support of a community-based response to sudden cardiac arrest.

“Lenape Builders Inc. would like to thank Capt. Russell Stinson and the members of American Legion Ambulance Station 64 with training our team members to perform the proper life-saving techniques of CPR and the use of an AED,” said Jamie Adams, vice president of operations at Lenape Builders. “Having the hands-on knowledge allows for our team members to act expeditiously if needed until emergency medical personnel arrive.”

The initial deployment of three AEDs in select Lenape company vehicles will include personnel who not only have received training in CPR/AED but also includes a former paramedic and an active volunteer firefighter with more than 20 years of service. In addition, personnel will have the PulsePoint App — — installed on their company phones and or tablets thereby allowing them to be notified if there is a cardiac emergency in their vicinity.

Adams, one of personnel who will have an AED in his company vehicle, understands the importance of this training given that he found himself performing CPR after coming across a vehicle accident in the Smyrna area one day while at work.

“As a local business we understand and value giving back to the community,” said Adams. “Having members of our organization qualified with these skills along with our decision to place AED units in our company vehicles allows for us to assist in potentially saving a life.”

For more, call 376-3971 or email

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